
Twitter Goes Bigger on Analytics: The new Twitter Ads Centre

Bhagyashree Rewatkar
New Update
Twitter Goes Bigger on Analytics: The new Twitter Ads Centre

Twitter, a $1.16B worth platform is getting bigger and better by the day. Last month, they announced Twitter ads API to deliver better ads that are engaging, relevant and useful. Everyone hates ads, but twitter with their move aimed at improvising these ads for increased engagement rather than simply increasing the number of promoted tweets.

Brands had a tough time analyzing their campaigns and the productivity gained from them, specially earned media. They often used external softwares (which are mostly paid and cost quite an amount) to review their productivity. Yesterday, Twitter thus stepped up and revamped their Ads Center to make a brands experience more worthwhile.

Twitter improved the following features on Twitter Ads Center:

Campaign Analytics

This being their major focus area, marketers can now get a complete detailed report of all engagements received from Promoted Tweets that drive engagement and exposure on Twitter. Earlier it was only what the advertisers paid for, but  now you can get a detailed report on earned media as well.

Twitter goes bigger on Analytics: The new Twitter Ads Centre Campaign analytics

Granular Breakdown

This is an added feature that provides advertisers a clear understanding of different target audience segments. How these segments engage with Promoted Tweets and Promoted Account campaigns in terms of device, location, gender and interest is highlighted in campaign reporting.

Twitter goes bigger on Analytics: The new Twitter Ads Centre Granular breakdown


With the help of this granular breakdown, it gives advertisers visibility to manage and optimize existing campaigns more effectively. For example, if a brand sees strong engagement from a specific gender group or location, they can focus their campaign on this target audience by performing improvisations directly from their analytics dashboard. The same applies for a device selected, see below:

Twitter goes bigger on Analytics: The new Twitter Ads Centre device

Target Audience

Earned media also provides insights on secondary interests of audience beyond those who were targeted. As a result, advertisers gather information about their most engaged audiences. This can be used to refine marketing strategies both on and off of Twitter.

Christopher Golda - Product Manager, Revenue of twitter says, "Our team is committed to making the Twitter Ads center valuable for all of our advertisers. We will continue to listen closely to your feedback, and look forward to building upon these changes to further improve the advertising experience with Twitter."

What do you think of this improvement from Twitter's end? Share your views with us.

Image source: Twitter Advertising: The new Twitter Ads Centre.

Featured image source: Rosaura Ochoa on Flickr

twitter analytics