
Pepsi and MTV India Use Social Media to Build Buzz About Their Upcoming Partnership

Mariam Noronha
New Update

The music industry is hotting up with reports citing a possible association between Pepsi and MTV India to form a new music channel. According to the report published in Business Standard, the channel will focus on the indie genre, comprising independent artistes and bands, international artistes and English indie music and is likely to be called MTV Indies

But what is impressive is the way both these brands are building a buzz around it.

Both PepsiCo and MTV are slowly unveiling the upcoming channel on Twitter. See how this impending launch is playing out in the form of tweets:

It all began with MTV India asking Pepsi to join the cause of #Indies which was smartly responded by Pepsi:

The conversation gets more interesting with MTV posing questions and cheering PepsiCo for getting the answers right. Like this Twitter conversation here.

Besides that Tweets like this one by Ankur Tiwari go on to build curiosity about the upcoming action on Indies with MTV and Pepsi joining hands.

The conversation also shifts to Facebook with MTV India changing their cover photo to unveil a little snippet about Indies.

An unusual way to build the buzz wouldn’t you say? Two super brands engaging with each other on the world’s biggest micro blogging site.

Call that cashing in on the power of Twitter and their respective followers? I would say yes! Entwining this with their Facebook activity is also noteworthy. A smart way to position and launch an entertainment brand aimed at the youth.

Mtv India pepsi india #Indies Pepsi MTV Co branded channel