
Duroflex's 7 Hour Marathon - Experts comment on the influencer outreach initiative

Sarmistha Neogy
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New Update
7 Hour Marathon

Duroflex launched their new campaign 7 Hour Marathon which talks about the importance of at a stretch sleep, while using influencers to drive home the point.

We are all caught up in a world, where there is immense pressure in our personal lives and working late nights in order to meet deadlines has also become a normal ritual. On top of it, the virtual world is taking a toll and the addictive social media networks keeps us hooked on to the electronic devices. This in the long run obviously takes a is affecting our health because of inadequate sleep.

Duroflex launched their new campaign 7 Hour Marathon which talks about the importance of at a stretch sleep for a healthy body and fresh mind.

The campaign was kick-started with Milind Soman rolling out a tweet saying how he planned to do a 7-hour-marathon every day.

There were hilarious tweets from his fans who trolled him for the idea of 7 Hours Marathon. Little did his followers know that the marathon he was talking about was hours of continuous sleep.




Looking at the tremendous response from Milind Soman's tweet, the brand then released their second video, where Soman clarified the confusion on the #7HourMarathon and discussed the importance of good sleeping habits.


The campaign has been conceptualized by Happy mcgarrybowen and executed in collaboration with Isobar, SKREEM, and Greenroom. The Twitter-based activity is a 14-day long campaign divided in segments, which started on January 16, 2018.

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The 14-day long campaign's execution is segregated into three phases. The first phase was aimed at creating a buzz through a teaser using hashtag ‘7HourMarathon’, with an element of suspense. The second phase revealed the real messaging through a video and encouraged people to register for the #7HourMarathon challenge. The third phase is where there are updates on the ongoing activity including interaction with participants. The final stage of the campaign shall be wrapped up with a thank you video by the influencers.

As part of the campaign, fitness tips are also being shared by Milind to his fans.

Social Media Response

The video received 5.1K likes on the brand's Facebook page and with 1,456 shares. The #7HourMarathon itself has had 4.9M impressions so far.

With the help of other online influencers, the brand also promoted the #7HourMarathon message.

According to hashtag tracking tool, KEYHOLE, the sentiment around the hashtag is positive (80.1 percent), negative (1.1 percent) and neutral (18.8 percent) users.


Brand message

publive-imageCommenting on the idea behind the campaign, Mathew Joseph, Director, Marketing, Duroflex said, “As a company, we have a strong lineage in this industry and understand the importance of sleep. We are highly committed to the cause of helping India sleep better. We really wanted to raise awareness around the importance of sleep. In Milind Soman, we found a credible voice to drive this message across. The #7HourMaratahon initiative was a great conversation starter to get people to make a very important lifestyle change. We believe in energizing India”

Creative strategy

publive-imageSpeaking on the campaign, Naren Kaushik, Senior Creative Director, Happy mcgarrybowen said, ‘Most of the audience we were talking to consume about 2.5-3 hours of social media on an average every day. A chunk of it also happens just before bedtime. The reason to pull this activation off in the social media space was evident in the consumption patterns. Add to that, an influencer like Milind Soman, who is followed by thousands of people with genuine interest in an active lifestyle, helped to capture our messaging effectively. The #7HourMarathon seemed like a perfect little stunt to tie ‘Marathon-Man’ Milind and our campaign together."

Lakshmi Balasubramanian, Co-founder, Greenroom, added, "Duroflex wanted to do a campaign talking about the importance of good sleep with a touch of fun in it. We used social media analytics to evaluate many influencers both in terms of the value proposition as well the resonance of the followers with the targeted audience of Duroflex, and that's how we zeroed down on Milind Soman. With Milind on board, we came together to brainstorm ideas and an execution plan with the help of Happy mcgarrybowen, and the campaign took its final shape."

Speaking on the looming sleep crisis and the need to commit to 7 hours of sleep, Milind Soman shared, “Having been involved in sports all my life, I understand the importance of sleep. Sleep is essential for the body and mind and restful sleep is one of the foundations of good health. Recharging and rejuvenating body and mind sufficiently every night is important for better quality of life. My own health resolution this year has been to sleep more and better. I am happy that Duroflex is championing conversations on sleep and engaging with social media to drive this commitment. I look forward to sharing and learning about sleep tips that can be mutually beneficial.”

Expert take:

We spoke to Arnab Mitra from Liqvd Asia and Tonic Worldwide's Chetan Asher to get their take on Duroflex 7 hour Marathon campaign. While bot the experts lauded the campaign and the choice of the influencer, they were of the opinion that the execution of the influencer marketing bit could have been done better.

Arnab MitraSharing his views, Arnab Mitra, Managing Director, LIQVD ASIA WORLD WIDE said, "On the first look, I think it’s a straight jacketed simple smart communication by the brand. Right fit of influencers. Backed with decent media spends will surely make them reach more people with their messaging. This is one of those campaigns where you don’t have to use your head neither will you spend too much time on it. Plain messaging. Delivered right. However this entire influencer space is very cluttered and unless something really interesting happened it’s difficult to cut ice with the consumers. "



publive-imageChetan Asher, ‎Founder & Chief Executive Officer - ‎Tonic Worldwide added, "The campaign has an interesting concept, the choice of the influencer Milind is a perfect fit and he seamlessly blends into the messaging which the brand wants to communicate about '7 hours of sleep'. However, I would have liked if the main piece of communication, which is the video here, where Abish interviews Milind, if that had a better execution. I think it is a long video and which is just a casual conversation between two people, there is no hook or takeaways from it. So there could have been a better creative way of executing this."

From creating curiosity over a tweet to garnering social media noise, Duroflex #7HourMarathon campaign has managed to hop on to the influencer marketing platform in order to break the clutter and stand out.

Tonic Worldwide 7 Hour Marathon Chetan Asher Social Media Campaigns LIQVD Asia digital campaigns 7 Hour Marathon campaign influencer marketing campaign duroflex campaign duroflex ads duroflex Arnab Mitra 7 Hour Marathon duroflex