
Live Blog: Exciting and important updates from #SMLive2018

Saloni Surti
New Update

Stay tuned in, as we share all the important and exciting updates from #SMLive2018 with you through this Live Blog.

Happy World Social Media Day – there is simply no better way to start this Live Blog!

The time has come and the day has arrived – the day to celebrate the medium that empowers brands, agencies, and even us humans to reach beyond the mortal and tangible network is here. And we at Social Samosa are all set to honour the power of Social with knowledge sharing, healthy debates, and insightful sessions!

In the second edition of #SMLive, Social Samosa gets in conversation with a lineup of esteemed speakers who share their two cents on benchmark digital marketing practices, challenges faced by the Indian digital ecosystem, and trends they foresee – urging the industry to power through in the next phase.

Stay tuned in, as we share all the important and exciting updates from #SMLive2018 with you through this Live Blog.

11 AM: Ashish Bhasin, Chairman & CEO, Dentsu Aegis Network - South Asia goes Live with the Keynote session

Keynote The Indian Digital Landscape ( Past, Present and Future)

11:12 AM: The best in advertising & marketing is yet to come

11: 15 AM: In those days if you were from South Bombay you entered in advertising!

11: 16 AM: DAN gets 42% revenues from digital!

11: 16 AM: I attended a seminar and someone had said digital is only 4%, that's when I realized we have a opportunity there.

11: 20 PM: We leave our entrepreneurs alone to what they do! Who knows how to run their company better than them.

11: 23 AM: We as an industry haven't evolved with a common currency to measure the impact of influencer marketing. The equivalent of digital hasn't evolved. In Indian marketing the currency will have to be multimedia

11:30 AM: Indian managers are perhaps the best in the world

11:32 AM: AI is a tool, it exists so heavy lifting is done by it and people need to learn it! It can never replace the human element.

11:34 AM: It's time digital agencies start hiring new age versions of Piyush Pandey, Alyque Padamsee, and such!

11: 37 AM: We feel delighted when we do good work, but we in India don't package our work well.

11: 40 AM: I'm one of those people who read 4 newspapers cover to cover everyday

11: 42 AM: We will be very focused on data. We leave a huge data footprint where ever we go, but we don't know how to monetize it.

11: 45 AM: Ashish Bhasin signs out!

11: 50 AM: Tanvi Gautam, CEO and Founder at Leadership Inc  goes Live

Building a powerful & authentic personal brand on SoMe: Lessons from an influencer

11: 55 AM: Personal brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room!

11: 56 AM: A personal brand is a lot more than your social media bio! It's the essence of who you are

12: 02 PM: Having influence is different from amplification of influence. And community helps one amplify that influence!

12: 03 PM: It's social first and media next!

12: 04 PM: You can have a personal brand and not be an influencer, but if you are an influencer, you NEED to have a personal brand

12: 11 PM: Content is king but context is queen

12: 13 PM: The right influencer is when you have both, complementary and supplementary fit!

12: 20 PM: Every time I have been tagged as an influencer, I think my responsibility goes up. When I am an influencer I have greater responsibility towards my followers, brands who work with me, and the ecosystem

12: 21 PM: You have to be consistent, you can't build a personal brand ad hoc!

12:23 PM: Tanvi sings off!

12:30 PM: Mounica Tata (doodleodrama) Content Creator, Rashi Ray, Director, Zero Budget Agency go Live

Social Media: The Superpower to Empower Women

12:40 PM: There are many women who give sassy replies and shut down trolls!

12:48 PM: Brands need to start being more realistic and inclusive; like if sanitary pads stop showing the color of blood as blue, their ads might be much more relatable.

12:51 PM: Gender bias is much more deep rooted than what happens in advertising agencies!

12: 58PM: I use exaggeration & humor to drive home the message. You need to balance message and opinion or it just becomes a rant

01: 00 PM Make sure you teach your children to be safe. You as a parent need to be a judge of at what age they should have a social media account. Communication is the key, parents should have the conversation with their kids. Have the talk with them so they are not vulnerable. Use features like Facebook profile lock.

01: 06 PM: Rashy & Mounica sign off!

01: 15 PM: Kainaz Karmakar and Harshad Rajadhyaksha, Chief Creative Officer, Ogilvy India go Live


01:28 PM: Don't assume that your client isn't open to or capable of pulling off a big campaign

01:29 PM: The winning ideas are usually the most simple ones, the ones that make you think - Why didn't I think of it!

01: 36 PM: The jury will not award you for one good idea. You have to present it well! It takes everything inside you.

01: 48 PM: Kainaz & Harshad sign off!

01: 55 PM: Ashish Tiwari Head of Digital Marketing and PR at Hero Cycles go Live 

The Magic of Data-Driven Storytelling

02:04 PM: Storytelling is a platform - a canvas that you paint; when you do storytelling for a brand it becomes branded content.

02: 07 PM: Storytelling is about people getting to take discussion!

02: 16 PM: If you don't take data-driven storytelling, it becomes very hypothetical, it would be recommended to weave your storytelling around data

02:20 PM Whenever you're doing storytelling it is not about you - it has to be about a hero. The hero of data driven storytelling is your audience

02: 21 PM: Numbers try to tell you a story, if you're listening!

02: 26 PM: Merge your math into your English and your entire song is ready!

02: 29 PM: If you don't get the right data, you won't get the right story

02: 30 PM: Ashish signs off

02:38 PM: Chandramohan Mehra Chief Marketing Officer - Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance goes Live

How Bajaj Allianz leveraged the Dancing Uncle Moment

02:53 PM: It was all worth it! We were able to ride on the dancing uncle wave swiftly and deliver a relevant message!

02:55 PM: The window is limited in moment marketing, but if you move fast with a relevant message it works. But it cannot be a long term marketing strategy. We pulled of the campaign in 48 hours.

02: 58 PM: Indian brands have done great in moment marketing. Look at Amul!

03:04 PM: Brand awareness, audience engagement and such - the typical metrics came into account when we were measuring the impact of our campaign with Dabbu Uncle. What we couldn't measure was the virality we experience on WhatsApp. Then there was humongous PR coverage.

03:07 PM: To succeed in moment marketing you need agility in execution and relevance.

03:08 PM: Chandramohan signs off. 

03: PM: Vineet Singh, Head – Delhi & CRM India at Digitas India goes Live

Social CRM: Quick Hacks to Win over Audiences on Social Media

03:14 PM: Social CRM is bigger brother of traditional CRM

03:16 PM It's not the amount of bots in your life it's about the amount of life you put in your bots!

03: 20 PM: One of the coolest things to do is accept negative comments! For instance, Zomato India owned up the flak they recieved.

03: 33 PM: If the data is out there it is ethical for brands to use it, when acquiring data however, it depends on how it is done.

03: 35 PM: Vineet signs out!

03: 45 PM: Nitin Bhatia, Managing Director - India at Meltwater goes Live 

Data: The underrated piece of Digital Marketing Puzzle

03:52 PM: In the future marketers will need more focussed data points. Like checking how many job postings a brand has posted viz a viz their exapnsion plans.

03:55 PM: Social CRM is going to play a key important core role in the next 5 years, it'll create a lot of data information, the power of interacting with consumers and understanding their needs will fuel in strength and brand value!

04: 02 PM: Every 30 seconds, a huge amount of data gets uploaded on the internet!

04: 13 PM: Nitin signs off! 

04: 21 PM Ranveer Allahbadia, Founder at BeerBiceps goes Live 

Surviving the Clutter: Carving a personal niche as a content creator

04: 26 PM: Enjoy what you do!

04: 26 PM: I go to bed as happy as a 5 year old and I wake up as happy as a 5 year old!

04:29 PM: Average Indian always wants value out of their content. Indians want value for money!

04:34 PM: The biggest mistake that brands make is treating influencer marketing and YouTube marketing like TV ads!

04:37 PM: Right now the YouTube algorithm is very conducive towards regional content. For every English content consumer we have 9 regioanl content consumers.

04:47 PM: Ranveer signs off!

05: 16 PM: Sandeep Balan, Head of Digital Marketing at United Breweries goes Live

Branded Content Vs Original Content

05: 19 PM: As long as content is entetaining, users don't care where is it coming from

05: 23 PM You can't go to content creators for short term goals. It has to be a long term process!

05: 24 PM If you plan with a 3 year perspective to start with and you start with a genuine perspective it works!

05: 35 PM You simply can't shy away from doing original content. Align with creators. Work on Return on Objective!

05:45 PM Sandeep signs out

05:48 PM Parveen Singhal, Chief Content Officer at WittyFeed goes Live

Growth hacking lessons from WittyFeed

05:51 PM: Our journey started with a Facebook page called Amazing Things in India.

05:51 PM: Right now the most important thing in content is creating conversations!

05:59 PM: Facebook wants us to create meaningful conversations on our platform, which is good for publishers as well.

06:00 PM: You need to create the content your audience wants and not the other way round.

06:03 PM: Outsourcing and collaborating with influencers helped us in establishing readership.

06:07 PM: Promote content to the right audience and create a niche for yourself.

06:17 PM: Parveen signs off.

06:30 PM:Creative Head Nidhi Bisht, and Brand Lead Sarjita Jain go Live.

Creating Digital Entertainment for Women with Brands

06: 42 PM There was a huge gap of content for common, career oriented women & girls!

06: 52 PM: With Girliyapa we have creative freedom and the TVF backing offers reach and logistics.

07: 23PM: Team Girliyapa signs off. 

With this we wrap up the second edition of India's first Facebook Live conference . We shall be back next year - bigger, better, stronger!

In the meanwhile, read fresh news, interesting case studies, and amazing campaigns on Social Samosa.

social samosa event social samosa conference social media marketing event social media event Social Media conference Digital Marketing Event marketing conference Ashish Bhasin digital marketing conference #SMLive2018