
#Interview: Staying relevant was never a concern, my love for food keeps me on track: Shivangi Arora, Twistie Bites

Social Samosa
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Twistie Bites

Her craze for twisted tastes and offbeat bites transpired her name; read on to know what inspired Shivangi Arora's blog, Twistie Bites.

Shivangi, a Zomato Reviewer is making social media feeds drip with tempting pictures of tasty dishes. Social Samosa attempts to find out her formula.

Looking back, where did it all begin?

I have been influenced by Social Media since the time of Orkut and it all started 6 months back. A day when I posted a dish as story on my personal Instagram handle which got hits like crazy and gifted this idea of creating a personal blog to showcase more of this stuff. Being a foodie gave me a chance to try the dishes that I couldn't even think exists. It helped me to do experiment with the food items and obviously a very good content to get hits. The idea was to just fresh-n-up myself from daily working hours which now has taken place as my ultimate passion.

What's in the name?

I say it's just in the name “Twistie_Bites” which comes from two words twists and bites. I always try to cut out the regular taste of the tongue. My craze for the different taste and the twists added to the dishes has come up with this name.

What is your USP in this cluttered space? How does your content give you an edge?

Well, after stepping into this field, I got to know the industry is cluttered with influencers but my belief that I could sustain took me through. Coming to USP, my content is a mixture of delicious homemade food with worthy outside food. My audience loves the twistie combination of both. The best part is the genuine and innovative feedback which gives me an edge.

Please take us through your content creation process. How do you stay relevant and relatable?

The content creation is a step wise process. From thinking of an idea relevant to the occasion and season and sometimes my likes too to preparing the stuff and picturizing it to my best. Staying relevant was never a concern as my love for food will always keep me on track.

How do you take moolah with your efforts?

I could never think that blogging can help you earn till the time I stepped in. I understood the concept and started taking things seriously by focusing on the content so it would get appreciated by the audience. Once I got a decent number of followers my efforts caught attention of brands and restaurants who approach me for collaboration. Since I work part time for my blog moolah from my passion stood second in the priority list after love from my audience.

How do you maintain editorial objectivity with the influx of brand briefs?

Firstly, I believe in quality over quantity. I never promote those brands which I myself would give a second thought to consume their goods. I always gather information about what the brand wants to promote and discuss the requirements briefly with them on how I can twist their product with my creativity.

One instance/experience that made it all worthwhile

There are many such instances but every time I get appreciation from my audience or the brands showing faith in my work it gives me immense happiness, even getting this opportunity on getting interviewed by Social Samosa to write my thoughts, made it all worthwhile.

Also Read: Interview: Being myself and sharing my truth is my USP: Anupriya Kapur, Mom On The Run

Weirdest brand brief/request ever

One of the renowned bakery’s in Gurgaon once offered me to showcase their newly adult themed cakes and if I would have done that my page would be reported within seconds.

If not blogging, you would be?

As I have already discussed, my love for food has gave birth to this handle and slowly it became my passion. So, I am already in my choice of field where blogging acts as a relaxation.

A day in your life….

I open my Instagram as soon as I open my eyes. So, my day basically comprises of my job and my passion. After coming back home from my job, I spend most of my time for creating content and that’s how I manage both things simultaneously.

Message/tips for upcoming bloggers

Just follow your passion and do what you love instead of thinking how much money you can make from this, think about how much happy you would be when your audience is appreciating you.

Your Favorite Influencer

I have met many talented people in my journey. Coming to my favorite Influencer although there are many, Karan from thefoodattacker is first one in my list.

The Future you foresee for your Personal Brand

There is lot to learn and I’m just 6 months old in this field. I want to explore more and more to present my audience the best.

field Communication TV USP Language campaign Social marketing customers audience equity Social media digital medium influencer Bloggers Zomato Reviewer Reviewer direction medium Brief Advertising page solutions showcase internet Brand Digital Zomato Media Clients agency concept