
Sprite’s new ‘Thand Rakh’ campaign tells audiences to ‘chill’, literally

Aishwarya Gupta
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New Update
Sprite Thand Rakh

‘Thand Rakh’ is designed to appeal to teens and young adults who tend to give in to irking situations, as they go about encountering challenges and exploring the world. This campaign urges them to maintain calm during heated moments while encouraging them to take time to reset and stay cool with a chilled bottle of Sprite.

Coca-Cola India, one of the country’s leading beverage companies, has unveiled a new campaign ‘Thand Rakh’ for India’s favorite lemon and lime-flavored beverage – Sprite. The campaign portrays light-hearted banter to reiterate the brand’s core message of being the go-to refresher drink when the summer heat takes over.

Airing from April 20, nationally, ‘Thand Rakh’ is designed to appeal to teens and young adults who tend to give in to irking situations, as they go about encountering challenges and exploring the world. This campaign urges them to maintain calm during heated moments while encouraging them to take time to reset and stay cool with a chilled bottle of Sprite.

Known for the immediate refreshment it provides to consumers, the unique and dynamic lemon-flavored Sprite is the #1 brand within the flavored carbonated drinks category in India. The brand will continue to play a critical role for the Company in times to come, providing a great-tasting beverage for both at-home occasions and on-the-go refreshments.

Commenting on the new campaign, Tish Condeno, Senior Director, Sparkling Flavors Category, Coca-Cola INSWA, said, “Sprite has always been known for refreshing consumer’s mind and body. Now that summer is here, we want to offer a cold Sprite to chill everyone down from the intense summer heat and the everyday heated moments of stress and pressure. ‘Thand Rakh’ urges our audience to grab India’s ultimate refreshing beverage ‘Sprite’ and stay calm as they battle the summer heat and the numerous challenges of the ‘new normal. Our brands have always sought to add value across various consumption occasions and this summer, Sprite is ready to keep India chill and cool!”

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Sukesh Nayak, Chief Creative Officer, Ogilvy India, says, “Sprite has always been the refreshment of choice for the smart ones. And the smart ones definitely know that when stuck in a heated situation, it’s best to just ‘Thand Rakh’ and get things done, your way without losing your cool. The new positioning, inspired by our lingo, will truly connect and help keep things cool in an overheated world.”

“As the heat rises and tempers soar, you know there will be one person who’ll keep their cool. Simply because they are smart enough to count on Sprite. For years now, the Sprite person has been the smart one. This year, we take the summer challenge a notch up with the voice of heat making you want to do crazy things. And as always the smart Sprite people know just what to do. In the coolest smartest ‘Thand Rakh’ way.”, said Ritu Sharda, Chief Creative Officer, Ogilvy India (North).

The humorous campaign takes a light-hearted approach to showcase how teens and young adults, in today’s day and age, lose their temper in the blink of an eye. It then depicts how just a sip of Sprite can beat the ‘heat’ and reinstate the calmness to the drinker within seconds. The out-of-the-box campaign, which perfectly aligns with the Coca-Cola Company’s purpose of ‘Refreshing the World, Making a Difference’, will go live on television channels across the country, complemented with digital as well as OOH marketing efforts.

Over the years, Sprite has not only established itself as the undisputed youth brand, but has also been leading authentic, edgy, and urban conversations via its marketing efforts. Through the new campaign, Sprite, once again aims to establish itself as the preferred choice of drink, for consumers who would like to take difficult situations in their stride or for those who are simply looking to beat the heat, stay cool, and ‘chill’ during the scorching summer months ahead.

Beverage Thand Rakh campaign Sprite Thand Rakh Sprite campaign chilled bottle