
Twitter Chat: Understanding The Puzzle That Social Graph Is

Social Samosa
New Update
Twitter Chat: Understanding The Puzzle That Social Graph Is

Social Graph, coined by Mark Zuckerberg in 2007, is the one term that has puzzled many a developer and marketer out there. While it does hold a lot of promise, the lack of awareness has been the deal breaker for it.

In order to educate people about the importance of Social Graph, will be holding a Twitter Chat on Wednesday, 25th July (3 P.M. - 4 P.M.) wherein our expert panelist will answer all your questions that you have about Social Graph.

Our Panelist

Mr. Rohan Dighe - Founder, Social Web Factory

How To Join The Twitter Chat?

In order to participate in this chat, you need to follow the hashtag #SamosaChats. If you want to ask a question or you have an answer to a participant's question, you can post using this hashtag.

The moderator (@Social_Samosa) will go through all the tweets and will present some questions to the panelist for discussion. The panelist will answer the question and you are most welcome to discuss the answer with the panelist.

Through these invaluable discussions, we hope to help our participants explore and understand Social Graph in a better way.

This hashtag is what will hold the discussion together, so you are requested to use #SamosaChats every time you tweet your queries or views.

How To Track The Hashtag?

Join our Social Samosa LiveStream to track all the tweets regarding the Twitter Chat.

Oh... and did we mention that the best question will also receive free samosas from us?

We look forward to your participation and if you have queries about the chat, feel free to ask in the comments below.

Image courtesy: John Morgan

Twitter Tweetdeck hashtag chat hoootsuite open graph social graph tweetchat tweetgrid