
5 Incredibly Different Ideas Encouraging Call-To-Action on Social Media

Gurinder Batra
New Update
5 Incredibly Different Ideas Encouraging Call-To-Action on Social Media

Companies and marketing managers adopt different styles to make sure that they make their voices heard. A Call to Action or CTA is one technique used to stimulate a potential customer to action at the end of advertising content.

Obviously, there’s nothing new here; you would have probably heard many advertisements saying Call Now! or Buy before stock ends! These types of endings compel viewers/readers to act immediately. CTA has also been effectively used in social media marketing by Indian companies.

If you want audiences to react to your content, here are five unique ideas to help you out.

1. Show your offer


There is no need to over-complicate anything. Customers understand that your motive is marketing, so simply be explicit and provide a reason. Create offers that are unique and entice people to make a call or visit your store.

When people see a random offer on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, the questions ‘What’s there for me’ and ‘How do I benefit’ will arise. You just have to persuade them that they can’t afford to pass up a great offer.

2. Give proof

Social media is all about networking, isn’t it? People like to be aware of their friends' activities and preferences. Therefore, displaying the individuals who availed your offers and received amazing deals is a smart strategy.

Having noticed that their friends have got great bargains, others will be curious or jealous and want to claim the same offer. You can encourage this by motivating people to take advantage of the deal before it’s too late. If people are ready to share their experiences, then it will certainly be a plus point.

3. Customize the content

Custmize the Content

We have all already heard Buy Now, Call Now and Click Here. You can’t afford to go with age-old ideas. Today, it is important to make content CTA relevant. Study your audience and hire someone who can actually prompt people into action from the CTA.

Some of the best call-to-action campaigns are ones in which customers hardly realize that they are being told to follow a suggestion or command. It has to have a natural flow from start to end, suggest action urgently and highlight the reward. The message should be specific and be relevant to the target audience.

4. Prioritize CTAs


Allen Solly Facebook page

A Call-to-action is basically your ultimate weapon in the social media arsenal. However, you can’t afford to use it repetitively. This would make the whole idea monotonous and boring. Although there will be times when you need to launch simultaneous CTA ads, try keeping the number to a minimum.

If possible, use all resources to promote a single social media CTA. This increases the chances of user engagement and if the offer is really lucrative, word of mouth will also follow.Remember to prioritize the CTA on items or services that customers find interesting. Feedback is crucial here.

5. Remove Ambiguity


Nokia India

This might sound a little weird, but you don’t really need a money back or an equivalent offer details with call to actions. On social networking sites, it only creates ambiguity. The best CTAs are to the point. For instance, if you also include a money back guarantee, it will only complicate matters.

The vagueness of  'conditions apply' and other factors will create a feeling of uncertainty and riskiness in the minds of customers. However, if your offer is straightforward, they will either take it or pass it by. The chances of success are much higher with a simple and clear CTA.

Social media Social Media Marketing Ideas Encouraging Call-To-Action