Brand Name:
Rajdhani - Ek Khandani Parampara
Agency Name:
- Online promotion of ‘World Vegetarian Day’.
- An application was designed considering famous Rajdhani Thali dishes & had asked our fans/followers to add their flavour to them. (Timeframe - 3 Days )
- Twitter contest was conducted to promote the offer at Rajdhani Thali. (Timeframe - 9 hours )
- Posting strategy was developed in order to promote ‘World Vegetarian day’ & the contest. (Timeframe - 3 days )
- The offer was listed on food review websites such as,,,, etc.
Positioning Strategy:
- 3 Posts were used to promote VEGETARIANISM for 3 days before World Vegetarian Day.
- These posts were Rajdhani Thali’s branded posts.
- The comments received where in support to the day.
- Facebook: The contest helped to generate a buzz about World Vegetarian Day.
- The fans were asking about offers on this day. (1st October, 2012)
- New followers on Twitter.
- Good brand exposure on social media covering PR websites.
- The offerreached out to the audience.
- A curiosity was observed among the fans of Facebook. The offer was announced 1 day before ‘World Vegetarian Day’.