New Update
Do you know if your social media efforts are rewarding? Is your management inquisitive about the investments that they have made on this medium? Take a step back and get your metrics in place!
Evaluating the success of your Social Media campaigns helps you to determine what works for your audience particularly well and what can you do to improve your results.
It is a challenge for most of the businesses to measure the success of their Social Media activities. Although it can be complicated, there are ways to correlate and measure your social media success. All you need to do is think beyond numbers!.
To help answer your questions, Social Samosa invites you to join our ‘Twangout’ on 11th of September, between 3PM – 4PM and ask away all questions that you have about measuring the success of your Social Media Activities.
Manu Prasad - Head - Social at
A Twangout integrates the dialogue of Twitter with the live video stream from Google Hangout. While your questions will be on Twitter, the answers will be through a live video – both integrated on one platform.
All you need to do is to tweet your query using the hashtag #SamosaChats and Manu will answer them via a live video link here
Join our Social Samosa LiveStream to track all the tweets regarding the Twitter Chat and watch Manu Prasad answer the questions.
Oh… and did we mention that the best question would also receive free samosas from us?
Please register below to confirm your participation and if you have queries about the chat, feel free to ask in the comments!
Registration closed.