New Update
Simplify360 recently carried out a research to know more on who’s talking about big data. For our analysis we considered 194K conversations on social media from all across the world over a period of 15 days (July 10-July 24 2014).
Here is what was found:
- The companies to talk most about big data were IBM, Oracle and Apple.
- Oracle, Hadoop, Cloud and SQL were the most talked about technologies on big data.
- The topics that are most popular around big data are analytics, cloud, internet of things and data management.
- In terms of industry sector, health care emerged to be the one who talks most about big data. Sports industry contributed 9% followed by finance, HR and e-learning.
- We observed a whopping 1,94,092 mentions on big data in 15 days with average mentions of 12,939 per day. Here is the buzz trend analysis:
- Region-wise it was observed that people from United States were most interested in the topic followed by India and UK.
- Interesting we found that 98% of the total social media buzz on big data was coming from Twitter alone and only around 1 % from Facebook.