Parachute has been synonymous with oil since years. With the introduction of the #ArtOfOiling campaign, the age old brand has made itself relevant to the evolving target audience by engaging with them, along with staying connected in some way to its roots. Over the years, the concept of hair oiling has seen different perspectives by different generations. While taking the current generation into account, when it comes to hair care, they are solely concerned more with styling rather than healthy hair. Let’s have a look at how Parachute Advansed reached out to their fans on social media to teach them the real #ArtOfOiling!
Objectives -
- To spread awareness about the #ArtOfOiling
- To make hair oiling more relevant to the younger TG of the present times.
Execution –
- Parachute Advansed created a dedicated website for the launch.
- Two videos featuring Nargis Fakhri and Moses Chundi, who is an international head massage expert, were launched on the website. Moses Chundi demonstrates two new wonderful DIY massages from his signature line using Nargis.
- Both the videos were launched at a huge bloggers meet, where bloggers tweeted & blogged about the event. The event was covered by more than 30 bloggers.
- The contents of the event were shared on their Facebook page and multiple contests were held to keep the engagement levels higher than usual.
The following is the one in which people were asked to mention #InstantEnergy and share a tip on how they gain their energy back within 10 minutes.
Here is how one of the bloggers reported the bloggers event and this was shared by the Parachute Advansed Facebook page.
Their Twitter account was used for the build up of the event and multiple twitter contests were held to keep the fans engaged throughout.
Positives -
- The connect between a rejuvenating hair massage, with the 10 minute techniques to do so were bang on and quite relevant to the target audience – driven by the bloggers and the video. Since the present times demands of a stressful, ever-busy lifestyle with no scope to sit back and distress what-so-ever, Parachute Advansed brings out its advansed formula to soothe senses.
- Instead of just hammering on the old way of ‘champi’, Parachute Advansed raised the aspirational value of hair massage by bringing in an International head massage expert. Using a reknowned and a trust worthy source always helps garner more eye-balls.
- As a part of the campaign, having Nargis Fakhri who’s dazzling looks & diva-like hair is enough to tell people that her secret to beautiful hair is oiling and head massage for rejuvenation.
- Involving lifestyle bloggers with good amount followers to a good location, obviously got some more useful outputs that the brand really needed.
The cleverly crafted Facebook & Twitter contests only made the campaign more relevant to current potential users of the product. Particularly the ones about ‘Cancel Monday’ and ‘Excuses To Avoid Going To A Party’ – made a lot of sense to the brand’s potential target audience, as the target audience can directly connect with the message sent across. An oil massage, because of this campaign isn’t looked upon as something your mum did to your hair before she tied it into two plaits to school, but has been positioned as an essential beauty and relaxation regiment. And Parachute being synonymous with oil, only made itself more relevant to users of hair oil when they massaged their hair and head for beauty and relaxation purposes.
Conclusion –
A slickly done campaign - the videos, creatives, the brand ambassador and the expert add up to the tastefully executed campaign. None were out there shouting ‘Hey, use Parachute’ but subtly drove the point that relaxation and de-stressing in just 10 minutes is possible, by using the signature massages and the need of a good oil – Parachute Advansed! We hope to see more such campaigns from brands that have been around so long - enough to be a part of our lives, even though in the background. We hope more brands out there learn the fine art of using a digital platform subtly to spread awareness and convey brand messages in this manner.