
TUIscovering the places you didn’t know existed with Instagram

Social Samosa
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Instagram can now take you anywhere with their explore feature; travel companies are leveraging this and are marketing themselves in a creative, picturesque way. Many brands like Ikea, Vista Rooms and clothing brand like Forever21 have been using the photo-sharing app with a similar motive.

Be it in the middle of the work day or on a lazy Sunday afternoon, once you start travelling visually, there is no looking back. Jack in the Box worldwide thinks out of the box and uses Instagram for TUI India’s latest digital campaign.

Brand Name - 

TUI India

Objective - 

The core motive of TUI India on Instagram was to creatively instill a thought that, ‘nobody knows the local attractions around the world better than TUI India’.

Through this campaign, the users were given an opportunity to explore exclusive destinations around the world in an innovative and engaging manner.

Execution –

The execution of the campaign was mainly focused on Instagram with the handle, @TUISCOVER_THE_SECRETS

The world map on this account is spread across a grid of 12 squares and currently has 36 countries tagged in total. Each country has a dedicated account and features a unique fact accompanied by an image.


Content pegs for this campaign included an extensive food guide, historically and culturally unique celebrations from around the world, global peasantry and travel related trivia to encourage engagement and organic traffic.

Initially showcasing exceptional places around the world, TUI India then moved focus to food and lesser known sports. The @TUIscover_the_secrets handle was followed back by significant bloggers, resulting in qualitative traction and references.


With a spectacular beginning, TUI India received an all organic jump-start; the campaign has 158 likes on their Instagram’s @TUIscover_the_secrets world map.


A number of prominent travel bloggers and official accounts such as Malta UK, comprise the 105 followers on the Instagram handle.

The brand managed to create a functional app within Instagram, which created higher engagement level. With travel being one of the most sort after content on Instagram, TUI India managed to create a distinctive content strategy.

destination Case study TUI local attraction Insta case study colorful Travel Digital Instagram Digital Agency creative jack in the box unique Jack in the box worldwide travel bloggers