On the occasion of actor AbhishekBachchan’s birthday,a one-of-a-kind digital mosaic was created comprising of wishes from fans all across the globe. Uploaded on his officialFacebook page, the mosaic is an accumulation of special birthday tweets from fans.
Twitter hashtag:#HappyBirthdayAB
The mosaic activity was carried on to create a buzz about AbhishekBachchan’s birthday. This was to encourage fans to wish him and be a part of the mosaic, a surprise gift by fans to the birthday boy.
The mosaic activity was unveiled among the fans on fan clubs in the form of a puzzle. To generate curiosity, the activity details were broken down into four parts and shared on fan clubs one day prior to the birthday. The activity received a unanimous response. The final post with all the details was posted at 12 AM along with the tab URL. Using the URL, fans could view the unfilled mosaic along with the instructions about the activity.
The users/fans had to wish AbhishekBachchan using the hashtag #HappyBirthdayAB. The wishes along with the Display Picture of the fan was added to the mosaic.
The activity was started on Feb 4 at 11 PM and the hashtag #HappyBirthdayAB started trending at 11:30 at #2 in India. The hashtag trended for more than 3 hours.
Around 1.9k users visited the tab. More than 3000 tweets poured in for AbhishekBachchan via Twitter. The activity received around 1.2L impressions and engagement of over 3.8k. The potential reach of the activity on the Twitter fan club was 41 mn.
Fans took part in big numbers for the activity. A huge amount of fan engagement was seen as soon as the revealing post was put on the fan club. The mosaic had the total of 360 best wishes from the thousands received.