Social Samosa takes a look at global Mother's Day campaigns that managed to break borders and make millions smile.
Celebrating maternity every year, Mother’s Day now has become a gold mine for brands to produce content around the entity and make merry of motherhood, an emotion mutual around the globe. These Global Mother's Day campaigns show how a yearly phenomenon can be celebrated with a new and fresh approach.
Stirring our souls through their content, brands around the world have created magic; portraying this relationship through some audio-visual excellence; let’s take a look back some of the best global Mother's Day campaigns under our #SocialSuperMom series.
How often do we spare a moment to express love and gratitude to our moms? Not often, hence Hallmark created, #PutYourHeartToPaper, that encouraged people to put their heart out through words for their mothers, going beyond the simple ‘I love you’s’ and ‘Thank you’.
Pandora’s Unique Connection
An international Danish jewelry brand created a heart-warming campaign to lure people towards their new line of personalized Mother’s Day jewelry.
In this film, some kids were blindfolded and had to recognize their mom through the senses of touch, leaving everybody with smiles and teary eyes.
Minute Maid
The beverage brand hopped on the bandwagon of Mother’s Day campaign wherein they created a video which asked parents about how well they play their part as a parent. The parents were dubious of the response from their children but the words from their kids were extremely heart-warming.
This film surfaced how parents put a great effort in their parenting and through #doingood the brand celebrated both the parents on Mother’s Day.
Last year, for the 2016 Rio Olympics the brand unleashed a campaign ‘Thank you, mom’ that was caught like wild fire on social media, wherein the brand celebrated moms, the effort and sacrifice they put in their child’s life.
After connecting this campaign to the Olympics, it covered how mothers are the strength to their kids beyond athletics and in their life.
Johnson’s Baby
Johnson’s Baby Philippines created a sentimental piece of audio-visual that emphasized on how even the touch of a mother is enough. Going beyond dialogue, the brand unleashed the pure relationship a mother-child share.
Through this campaign, the brand just went absolutely raw in portraying the simple emotions a mother feels and how she fiercely she looks out for her child.
Also Read: Some of the best mother’s day campaigns from India over the years
Their #OneToughMother campaign promoted the brand’s flower bouquets for Mother’s Day. Showing the fierce, powerful side of every mother, the brand had a message that said ‘Motherhood is not always hearts and roses.
Creating an empowering campaign of the moments of motherhood, the brand puts an invisible cape on this entity through this campaign.
One thing we noticed how despite the diversity, the feeling of motherhood remains common as brands around the globe celebrated Mother’s Day in these past years. Check out other stories under our #SocialSuperMom.