
#SSYearbook17: One day to go as submissions close on June 15

Social Samosa
New Update

Inspiration is never handy when you need it the most, and genius inspires genius. Based on these very principles, the Yearbook of Social Media Campaigns 2017 is back once again, accompanied with comprehensive case studies that decipher the successful components of exceptional media campaigns from the previous year.

If you think your brands deserves to be in the Yearbook of Social Media Campaigns 2017, the only thing that stands between your efforts and a fruitful recognition for your work and excellence, is one day. Today is the last day to submit your campaign for inclusion into a summarized condensation of social media and digital brilliance.

Parallelly, if any campaign managed to grab your attention and deserves to be listed in #SSYearbook17, you can write to us on or let us know in the comments below.

In addition to case studies, the book will chart trends with inputs from industry experts, with the honchos putting their pens to work. The clock is ticking, help us make #SSYearbook17 one of the best compilations the Indian social media industry boasts of.

The submissions will close on 11:59 PM, June 15, 2017. You can register your entries for the Yearbook of Social Media Campaigns 2017 here.

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