Explore the infographic to get in depth insights so as to avoid marketing budget mistakes.
Devising a marketing budget include a number of Do’s and Don't, which could impact the way your marketing initiatives pay off. You might find a lot of information on what to do or how to create a marketing budget. This infographic points out some fatal marketing budget mistakes that brands tend to make.
While the upper limit of the budget is often definite, one has to focus on creating a data centric approach to avoid gruesome errors.
91% of firms believe that poor data leads to wasted marketing spend. The effectiveness of your marketing budget is hugely dependent on the reliability of your initial assumptions. It’s impossible to plan for the future without properly understanding the present.
Also, 70% of companies don’t test marketing campaigns with consumers regularly. The marketing budget will definitely take time to pay off, but the brands and agencies need to track it consistently. If you track at longer intervals or too early, you’re in for a big fall.
Explore the infographic to get in depth insights so as to avoid marketing budget mistakes.
Infographic by MDG Advertising