
#GlobalSamosa: Audi welcomes women of Saudi Arabia in the driver's seat

Sneha Yadav
New Update
Audi women saudi arabia

'Time to Open the new DOORS!' says Audi in its recently released video titled 'Doors' which welcomes women of Saudi Arabia to the driver’s seat.

On June 24th, history was created when Saudi Arabia lifted it's ban on women drivers. We aren't stranger to how conservative this part of the world is and the reeling conditions under which women survive has been the talk of many books and stories since ages.

The video showcases a happy couple who smilingly walk their way out to welcome the ban upliftment while the husband opens all the house doors to let his wife go beyond unopened possibilities. When outside, the women opens the passenger seat for her husband and proudly adorns the driver's seat to drive safely. The film garnered around 10k views on Facebook and 500 odd views on Youtube.

Also Read: #GlobalSamosa – Shell tries ‘Closing The Gender Gap’ with new spot

The film went live on June 24 in Saudi Arabia and was distributed to other parts of the world later. Created by thjnk Hamburg GmbH, it is produced by Stink Films Berlin.

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