Fevicol social media strategy has not broken the ultimate bond with its humorous ads and carried forward its legacy from TVCs to digital.
Brands use various tactics to leverage the most up to date advertising platform currently, social media, but Fevicol's strategy takes you back in time, in a modern way.
Repurposing content has been a widespread trick of the trade on social media. From several meme pages collecting and circulating content, till informative videos repurposed from articles or BuzzFeed's Tasty video adaptations of several recipes.
But Fevicol's way of repurposing is rather appealing. Fevicol has been repurposing several chunks of their outdoor advertising for their social media posts.
Fevicol is a few of the brands in India, that have an outdoor presence almost everywhere. Through sponsored signboards, bills on various spots, and the brand's recognizable logo stuck on everything from vests, carry bags, and vehicles, Fevicol has framed numerous instances for usable content.
Combined with promotional taglines, clever copies, and comical captions, the brand has managed to successfully integrate their outdoor advertising into their social media marketing.
Fevicol has used this strategy for making public announcements such as the launch of their campaign #MyFevicolAd, tap topical trends, leverage moment marketing, or carry on with their customary posts.
In an episode of #SMLive 2019 with Social Samosa, the creative team of Schbang, the agency handling Fevicol's account had mentioned the brand's legacy helps the creative team to build on and create relatable content for consumers.
They are also able to convey the brand message with minimalism and effectively. Captions and copies are not too text-heavy and resonate with the instances well. Additionally, the posts also make up for good light-hearted content.
Their social media strategy also maintains the humorous Fevicol tone which has always been glued to the brand's communication since their TVCs (Pakde Rehna! Chodhna Nahi!).
Also Read: #SamosaTalks: Fevicol has become an adjective: Bharat Puri & Vivek Sharma
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