
How a couple documents travel adventures on The Vagabond Stories

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The Vagabond Stories

Harry and Nikita started The Vagabond Stories as a means to save and share their memories online, inspiring others to travel together.

From their experience of running The Vagabond Stories over the last four years, Harry and Nikita say that its hard to make a living as a blogger. Not everything they do as influencers pay them money. Some sources of income in the blogging world include brand collaborations, sponsored posts and running ads on the website. They tell us more about being travel couple bloggers.

Looking back, where did it all begin? 

Back at the end of 2016, we felt the need to save and store our precious memories online. Although we were clicking pictures of the places we were visiting, the photos were only saved on our phones and the memories only saved in our minds. When we started creating lots of wonderful memories together, that’s when the need to document everything arose. That’s when we decided to start with our blog, Vagabond Stories, and we haven’t looked back since that time. 

What's in the name? 

We came up with the name Vagabond Stories because of our love for travel. We don’t want to believe that we have a permanent home. Our desire is to travel the world so much as if we have no permanent home, just like a Vagabond. Since we were documenting all our travel stories, hence the name Vagabond Stories. 

What is your USP in this cluttered space? How does your content give you an edge?

The good thing about our content is that we have been able to define ourselves as Couple Travel Bloggers. Our content not only inspires people to travel but it also inspires people to be in love and create wonderful memories with their loved ones.

Please take us through your content creation process. How do you stay relevant and relatable?

Our audience is our judge. We create content, listen to feedback and keep improving our content based on the feedback. We look at our engagement rates over digital media, see what is working and constantly keep making an effort to improve our content. Apart from that, interacting with fellow bloggers does help in trying to understand what the audience wants and what they love. 

How do you make moolah with your efforts?

We would say it’s a hard way to make an easy living. Not everything that we do as an influencer pays us money. Most of the content that we create comes out of our own hard-earned money. But when we do get paid, it's usually from brand collaborations, sponsored posts and from running ads on our website.

How do you maintain editorial objectivity with the influx of brand briefs?

We always consider every brand collaboration as a learning process. Even though every brand brief would be different, it also gets us to put on our thinking caps. We try and merge the brand brief with the way in which we like to create content in the best possible manner so that its a win-win situation for us as well as the brand.

Also Read: Charuta Arvind Yadav feels creators must retain their style in branded content

One instance/experience that made it all worthwhile

Although there have been many experiences that made all of this worthwhile, our recent invitation to a travel summit in Malaysia where we were nominated as one of the top travel bloggers from India, was like an icing on the cake. It made us believe in ourselves even more and it felt amazing that so many people were appreciating our work. 

Weirdest brand brief/request ever

Once a brand asked us to promote not just their own brand but also all their partners in separate posts without disclosing the names of their partners in the beginning. This left us in a tough spot when we later received information from their partners and the brief presented by them, some of which we were not comfortable posting on our accounts. 

If not blogging, you would be?

We would still be travelling as much as possible, honing our other passive skills and still be working as hard as we can to fulfil our dreams and ambitions. 

A day in your life...

Planning where to travel, creating itineraries for our trips, creating content for our audience, interactions with brands and PR agencies and also 

Message/tips for upcoming bloggers

Keep creating content. Be patient. Continuously measure the quality of your content and keep improving your game. Your time will come :)

Your Favorite Influencer


The Future you foresee for your Personal Brand

Don’t want to jinx it! We just want to keep working as hard as we can and keep inspiring more and more people along the way. 

couple bloggers travelling couple travel couple bloggers travel couple the vagabond stories blog the vagabond stories indian travel couple bloggers indian couple bloggers travel influencers