With Agencies VS COVID-19, Social Samosa Network is trying to bridge the gaps between NGOs and Agencies and facilitate networking.
As a part of Agencies VS COVID-19, the Social Samosa Network is extending an invitation to NGOs and Agencies to come together with an aim to expand the digital footprint of non-profit organisations. So far, 50+ agencies have registered with us as #AgencyWarriors, committing to pro-bono work with NGOs in various capacities to help them strengthen digital presence.
Over the last three weeks, we have been able to get a better understanding of what NGOs require from an agency and how agencies can help them better. Broadly speaking, there are five key areas that need to be worked upon. These include Visibility, Fundraisers, Documentation, Design and Awareness. All of this, preferably in regional languages.
Visibility for an NGO is multi-fold. While some wish to reach potential donors, others are looking to leverage influencer marketing to reach more people. Another key aspect to visibility for an NGO is to get in touch with publications, building brand value on the basis of the coverage.
In some cases, NGOs need better communication channels to find and reach donors. They want to package their efforts better in order to get more funds to complete their list of essential tasks. Some face operational difficulties in terms of strategies, for others creative communication is a hurdle.
NGOs do a lot on field, much of which is not documented properly in the digital sphere. This is a key area for those working on the ground, especially in rural areas. Documentation, especially visual and in regional languages as well as in English is important for NGOs in regards to brand building.
Design layouts
Since NGOs concentrate heavily on the dissemination of essential information, often layout designs are not a priority. This leads to communication that is factual and informative but inconsistent when it comes to visual design.
Awareness about issues
Every NGO deals with certain core issues that they have the connections and resources to deal with. They have background information and data. However, often there are hurdles in communicating these with people and fight off stigmas around the topics they deal with. Efforts in creating awareness as well as getting in touch with relevant persons to expand their network of resources are where digital plays an important role.
If you feel you are an agency that can help NGOs strengthen digital presence, you can commit to being an #AgencyWarrior by filling this form.
If the above aspects resonate with you and you would like to participate in the initiative as an NGO, please fill this form.
In case of any doubts, please feel free to get in touch with us at team@socialsamosa.com.