
WFH Diaries Leaders of Tomorrow: Ep 18 ft Deep Chabbria

Sneha Yadav
New Update
Deep Chabbria

For BBH India’s Deep Chabbria, WFH has been an interesting experience and further puts down what he loves and hates about the current situation.

The 18th episode of WFH Diaries Leaders of Tomorrow featuring Deep Chabbria, Creative Director at BBH India gives us a glimpse of his work from home routine and the things he experimented with. “I like the fact that WFH is a great opportunity for freelancers – if I ever think of freelancing- this is beautiful though it’s very difficult because you are not free at all,” Chabbria quips.  

But what he really loves is that now he has a routine. “I am woken up by client servicing at 10 AM and put to sleep by someone at 1 AM and that is such a beautiful feeling to have somebody care for me,” he shares.  

He further notes that the dynamics of society and communication have changed – everyone comes on a Zoom call – nobody is bothered to show their faces anymore and people are just there. “With no words, or actions- nothing. Can you imagine that happening in a real room? People are just sitting absolutely silent (laughs).”  

Sharing a well known and widely practiced hack for avoiding extra stress, Chabbria says that if you are not really okay with the opinion that’s been said, you can just pretend that the internet is not working. That’s his favorite part. “Like if somebody is saying something to piss me off, I go blank only to come back 2 minutes later and say – Sorry the internet froze. I didn’t hear anything. I wish that continues when we go back to leading normal lives,” he shares.

Also Read: WFH Diaries Leaders of Tomorrow: Ep 17 ft Deep Rashmi

However, what he dislikes is the fact that now people at work know how he is at home. "They very well know the three t-shirts I wear before going to sleep," he adds.

Apart from managing home-work, Chabbria has also been up to a couple of things during this time and started something called ‘#TheUncomfortableProject. He explains – “It is basically I do one thing which makes me uncomfortable every day. Having a Zoom call with myself is weirdly not one of those things. Like one day I made TikTok videos. Remember when Tiktok used to be a thing.”

During the lockdown, Chabbria has also managed to lose some weight, all the while doing advertising because it is one of the reasons- he says- to put it on.

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