
Amazon India is always ready to #DeliverTheLove throughout the Indian festive season

Shreshti Thorat
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#DeliverTheLove Amazon

Along with capturing the emotional connect, Amazon India celebrates long-term fellowship with the #DeliverTheLove campaigns by cheering customers in celebration of any occasion

Every year, Amazon India brings a series of heart-touching stories with the #DeliverTheLove campaigns for Indian festive, getting the audience emotional.

May it be Raksha Bandhan, Diwali, or Mother's day, Amazon India Amazon has a story for every occasion and has carried on the storytelling tradition. Since the beginning, Amazon India has been a pioneer in walking the walk and touching human nerves via creative storytelling

Even as people prepare to celebrate one of India's most important festivals, the pandemic's difficult days are remembered. Amazon India's #DeliverTheLove campaigns never failed to convey gratitude to strangers who helped individuals in need. Many people have come out in favor of the festival's initiative to recognize unsung Covid heroes.

Here we have listed the journey of #DeliverTheLove storytelling campaigns by Amazon India, making their audience stay emotionally connected with them.

Also read: Raksha Bandhan Campaigns 2021 celebrate different viewpoints


Amazon launched a Rakshabandhan campaign under their #DeliverTheLove banner, celebrating the sweet memories of childhood. The campaign unfolds with a digital film that captures the bond between a brother and sister while they prepare for the festivities. It showcases that it is not just about the gifts you receive but the gestures you express.

Speaking about the campaign, Ravi Desai, Director, Mass and Brand Marketing, Amazon India, said, “#DeliverTheLove is a brand idea that was born from a simple realization, that during certain moments in life, what matters most is the love you share & the bonds you strengthen… gifts are often incidental. And hence in this campaign, the Amazon brand rightfully steps aside and lets the story of two siblings and their emotions take center stage. The honest, self-effacing voice of the brand clarifies that we can only do so much (deliver your gifts) …BUT it’s you who can #DeliverTheLove. What’s special about this campaign is that it’s been conceptualized completely in-house and struck a chord with a cross-section of India.”


It was difficult to celebrate Raksha Bandhan in the midst of a pandemic. Despite the lockdown and social distancing limitations, Amazon India did not fail to present their audience with a festive experience, focusing on the sentiment of "Some things should never change, no matter the distance!"


The campaign depicts the universal difficulty that every brother who does not spend Rakshabandhan with his sister experiences. It is the day when every brother makes every effort to keep this link alive and to show their sisters that distances can never break this tie.


The campaign talks about an old woman preparing to see her brother, who will be visiting her for Raksha Bandhan. Her grandson fails to understand so as to why her brother always gets Jamun for her when there is Amazon and he can get anything from the site. Through a nice anecdote, she lets him appreciate the necessity of meeting your sister in person on significant occasions like these.


The 2016 campaign showcased an old-aged brother being excited to travel to her sister's house for Rakhi while the son is suggesting to order gifts from Amazon. Amazon India highlights that it is the preferred destination for many to send rakhis and gifts to celebrate Raksha Bandhan; this festive season, the brand steps in to remind people of the importance of being there for loved ones.

Commenting on the film, Piyush Pandey, Executive Chairman & Creative Director, South Asia, Ogilvy said, “This is a brilliant piece of work. It is a wonderful leadership statement, brilliantly written, acted and directed. Being a brother of seven sisters, I am completely and totally moved.”

Amazon India's #DeliverTheLove campaign is not exclusive to Raksha Bandhan occasion only but covers Mother's Day, Father's Day and Bhai Dooj as well.

Diwali 2021

The concept demonstrates how certain connections go beyond typical relationship categories, making them really unique to us. The tale tells the heartwarming story of a youngster who almost died during the epidemic and how the family that stood forward to aid him became special to him. It emphasises how many connections are linked by special threads that connect our hearts. At a time when so many things around us are unclear, it is critical to value these ties and express our affection for the particular individuals in our lives. The initiative embodies the soul of these relationships and brings out the emotions attached to them.

Bhai Dooj 2020

The clip focuses on little moments on Bhai Dooj, that make the relationship between the siblings so special. And this video captures the beauty of the love they share. When the sister breaks down and hugs her brother, can't help but wonder when would the next time be. Only to never let go of them.

Mother's day 2019

Amazon's #DeliverTheLove campaign conveys the sentiment that a mother is the one person who can take the place of everyone else, but no one else can! For she may be your companion, advisor, caregiver, and teacher - no one can be your mother or even try to care for and nurture you the way she does!

Father's day 2019

The brand film showcases how the efforts of fathers go unnoticed. The father's day campaign by Amazon India shows the beauty of a father-child relationship which makes us nostalgic. They encourage viewers not to celebrate Father’s Day by only sending gifts and greeting cards but also to spend some time with their fathers as they need our love and support more than anything else.

Sometimes the messenger is more important than the message. This #DeliverTheLove ads by Amazon India celebrates bonds that makes a festival - festival.

#DeliverTheLove campaigns Amazon India #DeliverTheLove camapigns Amazon #DeliverTheLove Amazon India camapigns #DeliverTheLove Amazon India #DeliverTheLove Amazon campaigns #DeliverTheLove Amazon #DeliverTheLove campaigns by Amazon India