
Twitter has introduced a new post format called Tweet Tiles

Paawan Sunam
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New Update
Tweet Tiles

Tweet Tiles is a new post format that would enable developers to attach customizable formats to the Tweet experience and make the content engaging by making it more dynamic and visual.

The feature is being tested with a select group of users on iOS and the web, and these users can view and interact with Tweet Tiles containing text, images, videos, and a click button.

It automatically renders URLs just like Tweet cards. The update is a part of Twitter's internal development team to make the Timeline visually appealing and facilitate a seamless content viewing experience.

Only users who are a part of the test would be able to post Tweet Tiles, and not all followers will automatically see the Tweet Tiles and if the users Retweet a Tweet Tile or share a Tweet Tile URL, others might not be able to see it.

Also Read: Twitter integrates Podcasts into Spaces

Twitter recently also launched Custom Timelines, designed to enable users to scroll through all posts and Tweets related to a topic of their interest through a single scroll at the hub on Twitter.

These curated feeds or Custom Timelines can be created by third parties who select and provide content around interests and events or by Twitter based on general insights. The Popular Videos Timeline, created by Twitter, uses similar information to how topics are selected to populate and order video content.

These custom feeds run parallel to the Home timeline and appear on a separate tab after users add a custom Timeline from a prompt. Users can switch between tabs for more control of their Twitter experience as they deep-dive into the content that interests them most.