
IKEA Sweden turns windows into billboards in new campaign

The 'Sleepfluencers' campaign transforms home windows into ad spaces by offering free roller blinds printed with sleep product ads, turning personal homes into promotional billboards.

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IKEA Sweden new campaign

IKEA Sweden has introduced an innovative new campaign that transforms home windows into advertising spaces, tapping into an unlikely yet fitting medium for brand promotion - the roller blinds. The campaign, called 'Sleepfluencers,' offers participants custom-made blinds printed with IKEA advertisements on the exterior side, showcasing products from the brand’s sleep range, including pillows, duvets, and mattresses. The blinds, while serving their intended purpose of blocking light, now double as billboards for IKEA when drawn, turning windows into promotional spots visible to passersby.

The campaign is the brainchild of the creative agency Åkestam Holst NoA. By selecting a group of consumers to become ‘sleepfluencers,’ the brand is leveraging the power of everyday people to display its products in a new and imaginative way. These participants received the roller blinds free of charge in exchange for allowing their windows to become ad spaces, effectively converting personal homes into localised billboards.

The idea of the ad campaign is simple yet impactful - turning a mundane household item into a functional media placement. The printed side of the roller blinds faces outward, so every time they are used, they promote the brand’s sleep products to anyone outside the home. This new media solution expands IKEA's visibility beyond traditional channels like billboards or digital ads by utilizing consumers’ homes as extensions of its brand message.

The creative execution of this campaign highlights how a simple, everyday product can be turned into something both functional and innovative. Launched in Sweden, the campaign has garnered significant attention. Homes across the country have started receiving these specially designed roller blinds, embracing the opportunity to contribute to this playful marketing strategy while enhancing their own living spaces.


IKEA Sleepfluencers campaign IKEA Sweden ikea ads