
Mahindra's new ad puts focus on young girls' dreams & opportunities

Mahindra, in collaboration with Ogilvy India, demonstrates the hopes and aspirations a football can bring students of the school, symbolising the breaking of barriers and traditional norms.

Hiya Rupreja
New Update

Mahindra's 'Nanhi Kali' ad campaign starts on a powerful note, showcasing the arrival of a football at a girls' school, symbolising new opportunities and dreams for the students.

Many of us might think, "It's just a football, why should we care?" But for these girls, this football opened up a world of possibilities. It gave them hope and made them realise that their heads aren't just for carrying water pots, and their legs aren't just for running away from crowds. They are more than just obligated to do housework with the football representing freedom, dreams, and a future filled with possibilities for the girls.

As part of the campaign, the brand, in collaboration with Ogilvy India, demonstrates the hopes and aspirations this one ball brought to the students of the school. Additionally, the campaign captures the excitement in the girls' faces as they kick the ball, symbolising the breaking of barriers.

Anand Mahindra, Chairperson of Mahindra and Mahindra, founded Nanhi Kali in 1996 out of the belief that empowering women through education would have a significant positive impact on the nation. Girls' education correlates with a reduction in child and maternal mortality, improvements in child nutrition and health, lower fertility rates, making this initiative a testament to Mahindra's commitment to creating a more equitable society.

Through the ad campaign, the brand aims to play a small but significant role in shaping India's future by empowering girls through education. By challenging stereotypes and traditional norms, it serves as a reminder that even the smallest things can make a difference. It shows us that a football is more than just a ball; it’s a symbol of hope and empowerment, revealing the potential within every girl.

Mahindra Nanhi Kali Campaign Mahindra Nanhi Kali