
Surya Kumar Yadav becomes the new face of Ayurvedic brand moha:

Fondly known as SKY, Surya Kumar Yadav's rise in cricket has captured the hearts of millions, making him a match for moha:'s ethos in personal care.

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moha: has announced its association with cricketer Surya Kumar Yadav. Fondly known as SKY, Surya Kumar Yadav's rise in cricket has captured the hearts of millions, making him a match for moha:'s ethos in personal care.

Yadav's journey to and stature as an international cricket star while staying true to his roots makes him a fit for moha: which shares the same core belief. 

Expressing his excitement about this partnership, Surya Kumar Yadav remarked, "I am happy to join forces with moha:, known for its wide range of ayurvedic offerings. As an athlete, prioritizing sun protection and foot care are integral components of my regimen, and their products excel as the go-to solution for fulfilling these vital needs.”

Dr. Ram H. Shroff, Director of Charak Pharma, the parent company of moha:, shared his enthusiasm, stating, "We are delighted to join forces with SKY as we share common values of trust, reliability, and excellence. moha: Sunscreen Spray, a first-of-its-kind Indian Sunscreen Spray is a testament to our commitment to innovation and quality.” 

partnership association moha: