
Stay curious, hungry and fearless: Ashima Mehra, FCB India

Ashima Mehra of FCB India, who was also on Social Samosa’s 30 under 30 jury, shares with us focus areas for the agency as she settles in her new role, including her plans to position it as an agency known for its innovative, impactful, and memorable campaigns.

Karuna Sharma
New Update
Ashima Mehra

Recently hired as CEO of FCB India, Ashima Mehra started her career in advertising in 2006. She has built a dynamic career in advertising and marketing, progressing through significant roles across key agencies. Starting as a copywriter at Euro RSCG India, she moved into account management with Ogilvy & Mather and FCB Ulka before transitioning to strategic brand roles at Havas and Godfrey Phillips. Her experience includes leadership positions such as Client Service Director at Havas and Senior Brand Manager at Reckitt. Most recently, she held senior roles at Leo Burnett and now serves as the Chief Executive Officer at FCB India. Through these roles, Mehra has developed a keen eye for creative and strategic expertise.

During her time at FCB Ulka in 2009, Mehra met then-CEO Sanjeev Bhargav. It was his child-like curiosity that inspired enthusiasm in her, and when she stepped into the CEO role at FCB in April 2024, he was the first person she reached out to.

As she reflects on her career in this interview, she advises her younger self to venture beyond her comfort zone and not forget to have fun along the way! She also shares her focus areas for FCB India as she settles into her new role, including plans to position the agency as one known for its innovative, impactful, and memorable campaigns.


Ashima, can you walk us through your journey before joining FCB India? 

My career trajectory reflects a spirit of exploration and adaptability, which has proven particularly well-suited to the dynamic field of advertising. I embarked on my professional journey as a writer in 2006, entering the industry with both a sense of boundless opportunity and the support of mentors who encouraged us to challenge conventions and inquire boldly. While the creative process of ideation was immensely rewarding, I soon found that my enthusiasm extended to the strategic aspect of implementing and advocating for these ideas. This realization prompted a transition into account management, where I embraced innovative methodologies that frequently led to groundbreaking campaigns.

A decade later, driven by a desire to gain a comprehensive understanding of the client and marketing perspective, I ventured into the client side of the industry. This experience provided me with a profound insight into the multifaceted nature of brand development, revealing that advertising is but one component of a brand’s overall strategy. Upon returning to the advertising realm—my true passion—I did so with an enriched perspective on creativity, informed by a broader grasp of business strategy and a holistic vision of brand dynamics.

Given your extensive experience in creative roles and strategic account management, how do you plan to leverage this background in your new role as CEO at FCB India?

My career has been underscored by a profound commitment to integrating creativity with business acumen, a synergy that I believe is crucial for crafting truly transformative campaigns. The larger part of my tenure as a business head has given me a nuanced understanding of client needs and expectations, which will be instrumental in my role as the CEO. I am dedicated to fostering robust client relationships and ensuring their utmost satisfaction, in alignment with FCB’s long-standing reputation for client-centric excellence.

Furthermore, I recognise that achieving these objectives requires collective effort and collaboration. I am fortunate to be supported by an exceptional team who is equally passionate and aligned with this vision. Together, we will continue to drive exceptional value and maintain the high standards that FCB India is known for.

What strategies do you plan to implement to drive business growth at FCB India? How do you intend to balance growth with maintaining the quality of creative work?

My strategic focus encompasses adding value to and growing our current partners and broadening our client base by penetrating new industry sectors. Our industry is dynamic, and we want to be in a position to weather market storms. 

Emphasising innovation, we are investing significantly in digital and technological advancements to ensure we remain at the forefront of industry trends.

To cultivate and sustain a vibrant creative environment, we are fostering a culture of innovation through initiatives such as hackathons, idea workshops, and continuous professional development opportunities for our team.

Additionally, leveraging FCB's extensive global network will be pivotal in strengthening our international partnerships, sharing best practices, and attracting global clients.

Balancing growth with the quality of our creative output is paramount. We are committed to upholding rigorous standards for our creative endeavours and ensuring these standards are consistently met. Furthermore, by integrating advanced technological tools and streamlined processes, we aim to enhance operational efficiency, thereby allowing our team to dedicate more time to creative excellence.

What are your immediate short-term priorities as you step into this role, and what long-term objectives do you have for the agency?

In the immediate term, my priorities are threefold:

  1. Conducting a Comprehensive Assessment: It is imperative to gain a thorough understanding of the agency’s strengths, weaknesses, and strategic positioning to effectively chart a path forward.

  2. Enhancing Team Morale: Building trust and fostering enthusiasm within the team will be essential for cultivating a collaborative and high-performing environment.

  3. Cultivating a Positive Organizational Culture: Establishing a culture that emphasizes creativity, client satisfaction, and employee well-being will be fundamental to our collective success.

For the long term, my vision for FCB India is to position it as a leading agency distinguished by its innovative, impactful, and memorable campaigns. We will aim to set industry benchmarks, consistently exceed client expectations, and achieve widespread recognition within the industry for our excellence and creativity.

One of your biggest responsibilities will be nurturing client relationships at FCB India. How do you think client expectations have changed in the advertising industry? 

Client expectations have indeed undergone a profound transformation over recent years. Today, the role of an agency extends far beyond crafting compelling advertisements. Clients increasingly seek us to act as strategic partners, aiding them in achieving their broader business objectives. This involves not only forging collaborative partnerships but also leveraging our extensive network to devise innovative solutions tailored to their needs.

The era of passive, one-way communication is firmly behind us. Clients now demand an active, two-way dialogue where continuous engagement, responsiveness, and adaptability are paramount. They expect transparency in our processes, clear and actionable metrics, and demonstrable returns on investment.

In essence, modern clients are looking for more than just creative excellence; they are seeking tangible results and strategic value. Meeting these elevated expectations is central to our commitment at FCB India

Are there specific strategies you will employ to ensure client satisfaction and retention at FCB India?

I’ve always been inspired by Japanese manufacturing practices, notably the Kaizen philosophy, which emphasizes continuous improvement. I believe this philosophy is exceptionally well-suited to our service-oriented industry. By adopting Kaizen principles, we can instil a culture of relentless enhancement within our agency, enabling us to elevate our service quality, more effectively address client needs, and forge deeper, more enduring client relationships.

This commitment to ongoing refinement and responsiveness will ensure that we not only meet but exceed client expectations, thereby fostering greater satisfaction and long-term retention.

Could you share a few mentors or influential figures who have guided you throughout your career? How have they shaped your professional journey and leadership style?

Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to be guided by a number of remarkable mentors and influential figures whose contributions have profoundly shaped my professional journey and leadership style.

One of the earliest and most impactful figures in my career was Mr. Satbir Singh. His mentorship was instrumental in my development. Satbir instilled in me a deep-seated passion for advertising, a field I have remained dedicated to for nearly two decades. His guidance was pivotal even when I transitioned from a creative role to account management, illustrating his support and belief in me.

Another significant influence has been Mr. Sanjeev Bhargav. His infectious enthusiasm and child-like curiosity, regardless of his seniority, left a lasting impression on me. During his tenure as CEO at FCB in 2009, his approach to leadership was both inspiring and energizing. When I assumed the CEO role at FCB, he was the first person I reached out to!

The list of individuals who have contributed to my professional growth is extensive, and it would be a miss not to acknowledge all those who have supported and challenged me. It’s pretty rare to get a farewell from folks at 7 different agencies after 11 years, but that’s exactly what happened when I moved from Delhi to Mumbai in 2019.

Each mentor and colleague has played a role in nurturing my confidence, allowing me to embrace my authentic self, and fueling my ambition.

In essence, my mentors have taught me to be genuine and fearless, and their influence has been a cornerstone of my leadership approach and career progression.

With ongoing festivities, what trends are you anticipating in the advertising industry this festive season? Which industries do you expect to spend more, and how will FCB India position itself to capitalise on these trends?

As we approach the festive season, several key trends are emerging in the advertising landscape. The increasing prominence of online shopping and digital payments suggests a substantial rise in digital advertising expenditures. Brands are expected to invest heavily in digital platforms to capture the heightened online consumer activity during this period.

Festive seasons are characterized by powerful emotional connections and nostalgic sentiments. Consequently, we anticipate a shift towards emotional storytelling in advertising, as brands seek to forge deeper connections with their audiences through compelling and resonant narratives. This approach will necessitate innovative and engaging content that effectively taps into the festive spirit.

Additionally, advancements in technology are enabling brands to deliver highly personalised consumer experiences. We expect a rise in personalized marketing campaigns that cater to individual preferences and behaviours, enhancing the relevance and impact of advertising efforts.

Industries likely to see increased spending include:

  • E-commerce: Online retailers will likely be major investors in advertising as they vie for a larger share of the burgeoning online market.

  • Consumer Electronics: Given the peak purchasing period for electronics during the festive season, brands in this sector are expected to boost their advertising investments.

  • FMCG: Fast-moving consumer goods companies, including food and beverage brands, are anticipated to increase spending to capitalize on the seasonal surge in demand.

  • Luxury Goods: High-end luxury brands will likely target affluent consumers with significant purchasing potential during festive occasions.

At FCB India, we will focus on crafting campaigns that are not only emotionally resonant but also culturally relevant. By partnering with influential voices and integrating our advertising efforts across multiple channels, we aim to enhance brand visibility and engagement. Our strategy will leverage these trends to deliver impactful and memorable campaigns that resonate deeply with consumers.

Are you seeing a shift towards more women in leadership roles within the industry?

Certainly, there is a discernible and encouraging shift towards greater representation of women in leadership roles within the advertising industry. It is heartening to see women increasingly take on pivotal positions at the forefront of agencies, where they bring invaluable perspectives and diverse experiences.

This shift underscores a broader recognition of merit and capability, signaling that gender is becoming less of a barrier to professional advancement. Such progress reflects a positive transformation within the industry, fostering a more inclusive and equitable environment that benefits from a richer variety of viewpoints and leadership styles.

One message you'd like to give to your younger self and one thing you think you can learn from your younger self today.

My message to my younger self:

Embrace risks and venture beyond your comfort zone with confidence. The most transformative opportunities often arise from the most unexpected challenges. Trust your instincts, maintain unwavering belief in yourself, and remain steadfast in pursuing your dreams. Also, don’t forget to have fun along the way!

What I can learn from my younger self:

Rekindle the passion and fervor that characterized the early stages of my career. It is all too easy to become immersed in the routine and lose sight of the driving forces that once fueled your ambition. 

Stay curious. Stay hungry. Stay fearless. 

Reflecting on your experience, what advice do you have for young women in the industry?

My advice to younger women is:

Cultivate Confidence and Resilience: The industry can be challenging, but maintaining belief in your skills and demonstrating perseverance through obstacles will empower you to overcome difficulties and thrive.

Seek Out Mentorship: Establish connections with mentors who can provide valuable guidance, support, and wisdom. Their insights can be instrumental in navigating your career path and achieving your goals.

Network Strategically: Build and nurture meaningful relationships with colleagues, clients, and industry professionals. Strategic networking can unlock new opportunities and facilitate your career advancement.

Commit to Continuous Learning: The advertising landscape is ever evolving. Stay informed about industry trends and actively pursue opportunities for professional development to remain at the forefront of your field.

Embrace Authenticity: Resist the pressure to conform and instead bring your genuine self to your work. Your unique perspective and individuality are your greatest assets and will set you apart in a competitive environment.

FCB India festive trends agency-client relationship